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Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LJLA) recognises that in operating a successful airport there is the potential to have an environmental impact upon individuals, communities and businesses close to the Airport and its flight paths. Whilst operating and developing LJLA we are seeking to carefully balance the economic and social benefits with the environmental consequences of air travel.

LJLA is committed to sustainable growth – seeking to minimise and mitigate environmental effects (where technically feasible and reasonably practicable to do so).


Noise Complaints

All noise complaints are recorded and are reported to the Noise Monitoring Sub Committee and the LJLA Consultative Committee, which regularly reviews the scale and nature of noise complaints.  The numbers and frequency of complaints is not the determining factor on what is possible to achieve.

The Draft Noise Action Plan (DNAP) has been produced by LJLA and submitted to DEFRA, in compliance with the Environmental Noise Regulation 2006. This is a dynamic flexible document. On-going positive and negative comments and feedback will continue to be taken into consideration, along with current national and local policy as well as the social and economic benefits of aviation, in order to come to a balanced view on how to take noise mitigation forward at LJLA. If you have any suggestions or comments on the DNAP, please do not hesitate to make them to the Environment Team at [email protected]


Contacting the LJLA Environment Team

If you are disturbed by airborne aircraft noise please don’t hesitate to contact the Airport Environment Team via the Complaint Form below or by telephone, post, email.

[email protected] 

Telephone 0151 907 1745 for a dedicated noise complaints voicemail service.

Post – please write to: 

Environmental Team
Liverpool Airport Limited
Administration Office
Liverpool John Lennon Airport
Liverpool L24 1YD

Please access our noise complaints form here


Thinking of moving into the Area?

If you thinking of moving into the local area please read the “Thinking of moving into the area” document which will give you more information on the typical position of aircraft over local areas.

World Duty Free - At the Airport - Liverpool John Lennon Airport

At the Airport

From fragrances in World Duty Free, currency at Travelex, to a bite to eat at the Kissing Gate- you'll be spoilt for choice for shopping at Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

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New routes, community endeavours, investments, destination guides... Get all the latest news and updates from Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

Current Vacancies


Liverpool John Lennon Airport are one of the biggest employers in the Merseyside region and with more than a 87% colleague satisfaction rate, why not discover the latest career opportunities at LJLA?

Customer Service

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